Through CNI, we will use and build upon existing partnerships to transform the neighborhood into a vibrant mixed-income, mixed-use community with amenities and assets that attract individuals and families.

Goal: Create a well connected, vibrant, sustainable and mixed-income neighborhood where people want to live, learn, work, shop and create.

Desired Outcomes after 5 years:
75% of families have annual incomes above the poverty level
80% of residents are racial/ethnic minorities
48% of homes are owner-occupied
Foreclosures reduced from 59 to 20
20% increase (to $54,000) in median home sales prices
Four additional neighborhood amenities (businesses/service providers), such as a grocery store, pharmacy, public market that will provide a broader range of neighborhood amenities than currently exist
Increased recreational amenities, such as a water playground at Westlawn, pocket parks and community garden plots, bike routes, bike station
Façade grants provided to four existing commercial buildings
At least 50 homes rehabbed with employment/training opportunities for neighborhood residents