Small Business Loan Program
Milwaukee Choice Neighborhood Loans
The Milwaukee Choice Neighborhood Revolving Loan fund is a small business loan fund administered by WWBIC to create opportunities and increase local incomes through the support of small businesses located in the Choice Neighborhood boundaries.

Both start-up and existing businesses are eligible for this fund. Loans range from $1,000 to $250,000. Funds can be used for: Start-up capital, inventory and equipment, business expansion, working capital, and business support.
Apply Today
Mike Hetzel (Loans) or (414) 263-5450
Loan fund in partnership with WWBIC & the Housing Authority of the City of Milwaukee
Coaching. Capital. Collaboration.

We are proud of the way we sustain relationships with our clients. Our Small Business Consultants and professional volunteers provide ongoign support to WWBIC loan clients. In-depth business assistance for WWBIC borrowers ensures that business owners have access to the tools and skills they need to grow profitable and sustainable business.
Throughout the term of a loan we provide:
Annual site visits & one-on-one coaching
Promotional & networking opportunities
Resource recerral network
24/7 access to WWBIC's Initiate Portal, an online business resource with over 100 tools, videos, and guides
Put Your Dreams To Work
Contact Information
Looking for resources and quality expert advice to help launch and grow your business? at WWBIC, we can assist through our wide variety of workshops and events. Classes are taught by our dedicated staff and volunteer experts. Courses range from one-hour entreprenurial exploration classes to our comprehenseive multi-session business planning series, Start Run Grow and networking events.
Register: or (414) 263-5450