Milwaukee's Choice Neighborhood Initiative Catalyzes Economic Development With Business Loan Program
Reprinted from the HUD Choice Neighborhoods Newsletter, March 2023, Issue 120 - 03/15/2023 When the City of Milwaukee was awarded its...

JOIN US! Sprucing Up For Spring Garden Prep Day - April 22nd
In honor of Earth Day, join neighbors and community partners for the annual Sprucing Up For Spring Garden Prep Day in Westlawn Gardens....

Havenwoods State Forest is a “healing” space
Milwaukee Public Radio’s Bubbler Talk profiled Havenwoods State Forest, one of Milwaukee Choice Neighborhood’s gems. Listen and learn...

Sentry Grocery Coming to Silver Spring Drive!
The owners of Milwaukee’s Sentry grocery stores has announced he will open a new Sentry store in the former Kohl’s grocery store space at...

BBZ Saturday Santa Funfair at Victory Manor
On Saturday, December 11th of 2021, Best Babies Zone hosted its first Santa Funfair at Victory Manor! Families were invited to check out...

Harvest Festival Brings JOY to Westlawn Gardens Residents!
On Saturday, October 16th t he sounds of celebration were heard from the Westlawn Community Garden space! CNI's Northwest Fresh Food...